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The Evangelism and Outreach Ministry is directed by Pastor Eric Butler and includes all Elders, Ministers, Evangelists and Missionaries of the church body. This ministry is connected to every ministry of the church by facilitating/collaborating on various outreach and mission projects.

The Evangelism and Outreach Ministry facilitates outreach projects such as revivals, witnessing outreach/workshops, community outreach, the Thanksgiving food drive for the needy, support for missionaries home/abroad, and support for charities. It also includes our Good News Jail and Prison Ministries. Many projects that reach the unsaved are directed through this ministries.
Individuals interested in soul winning, revivals, missions, ministering to the needy, meeting needs within our community, and other like causes should inquire about participation in the Evangelism and Outreach Ministry by contacting Pastor Butler.


The intercessory prayer ministry is responsible for ensuring and maintaining the schedule of prayer warriors for the Tuesday and Thursday prayer and the 4th Friday night prayer. The intercessory prayer ministry will facilitate follow up prayer requests made to the ministry and maintain a record of the follow up prayer calls. The Intercessory Prayer ministry will develop a process for follow up on all visitors who have requested a follow up from their visitor cards.

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