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Angel Diaz
Angel Diaz


Get % APY on our 9 Month Certificate Special. Earn higher dividends than a savings account and keep your money safe without the temptation of accessing your funds while you save. Available for a limited time.


There is one version of the post-money safe, Valuation Cap (no discount), intended for use by companies formed in Canada, Cayman and Singapore, plus an optional side letter for each country. Before using any of these international forms, you should consult with a lawyer licensed in the relevant country.

Whether you are using the safe for the first time or are already familiar with safes, we recommend reviewing our Safe User Guide (geared primarily at US companies). The Safe User Guide explains how the safe converts, with sample calculations, an explanation of the pro rata side letter, and suggestions for best use.

U.S. DOT adopts a Safe System Approach as the guiding paradigm to address roadway safety.1 The Safe System Approach has been embraced by the transportation community as an effective way to address and mitigate the risks inherent in our enormous and complex transportation system. It works by building and reinforcing multiple layers of protection to both prevent crashes from happening in the first place and minimize the harm caused to those involved when crashes do occur. It is a holistic and comprehensive approach that provides a guiding framework to make places safer for people.

Promote safer speeds in all roadway environments through a combination of thoughtful, equitable, context-appropriate roadway design, appropriate speed-limit setting, targeted education, outreach campaigns, and enforcement.

Enhance the survivability of crashes through expedient access to emergency medical care, while creating a safe working environment for vital first responders and preventing secondary crashes through robust traffic incident management practices.

The zero deaths vision acknowledges that even one death on our transportation system is unacceptable and focuses on safe mobility for all road users. This idea was first adopted in Sweden in 1997 as "Vision Zero" and since then has spread around the world.

There are six principles that form the basis of the Safe System approach: deaths and serious injuries are unacceptable, humans make mistakes, humans are vulnerable, responsibility is shared, safety is proactive, and redundancy is crucial.

Making a commitment to zero traffic deaths means addressing all aspects of safety through the following five Safe System elements that, together, create a holistic approach with layers of protection for road users: safe road users, safe vehicles, safe speeds, safe roads, and post-crash care.

The Safe System approach requires a supporting safety culture that places safety first and foremost in road system investment decisions. To achieve our zero deaths vision, everyone must accept that fatalities and serious injuries are unacceptable and preventable.

Governor Kathy Hochul's top priority is keeping New Yorkers safe. In June 2022, following a racially motivated mass shooting in Buffalo and in July 2022, in response to the Supreme Court decision in NYSPRA v. Bruen, the Governor worked with the legislature to strengthen New York's nation-leading gun laws. These laws are designed to increase public safety and promote responsible, legal gun ownership.

Below are illustrative examples of activities that could be conducted as part of an Implementation Grant. This list is not intended to be exhaustive in nature and could include infrastructure, behavioral, and operational safety activities identified in an Action Plan:

Share this video to help explain ways to practice safe infant sleep and breastfeeding. When sharing the video, use the accompanying handout to help explain the information presented. Available in English & Spanish.

The Student Awareness of Fire Education (S.A.F.E.) program provides grants to local fire departments to teach fire and life safety to children in schools. The program teaches students to recognize the dangers of fire and the fire hazards of tobacco products through 23 key fire safety behaviors taught in developmentally appropriate ways. Fire and life safety is easy to combine with math, science, language arts and health or physical education lessons, making it easy to collaborate with school teachers. Since the S.A.F.E. program began in 1996, child fire deaths have dropped significantly in Massachusetts. In 2021, Massachusetts marked two and a half years without a child fire fatality, the longest period in the Commonwealth's recorded history.

S.A.F.E. is one of two fire and life safety education grant programs available to Massachusetts fire departments. The second program is Senior SAFE, which aims to reduce older adult fire deaths through fire and life safety education.

Safe Voices currently operates the only shelter and support services for victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking and exploitation in Androscoggin, Franklin, and Oxford counties. Our offices provide one-on-one safety planning, support groups, information and referral, court advocacy, transportation and accommodation for shelter, community education, and professional trainings.

"GRAS" is an acronym for the phrase Generally Recognized As Safe. Under sections 201(s) and 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act), any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive, that is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise excepted from the definition of a food additive.

Why Participate?Successful safety and health programs can proactively identify and manage workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness, improving sustainability and the bottom line. Participating in Safe + Sound Week can help get your program started, energize an existing one, or provide a chance to recognize your safety successes.

Who Participates?All organizations looking for an opportunity to recognize their commitment to safety are welcome to participate. Last year, more than x,xxx businesses helped to raise awareness about workers' health and safety!

We at the National Center for Safe Routes to School (National Center) believe in the importance and joy of safe walking, biking and rolling. We provide ways for communities to get started and offer the best information available to make the future they envision a reality.

We know that active travel is the only way that some children and youth can get to school and that the environment for walking and biking is not the same everywhere; underserved neighborhoods need to be a priority for improvements. We have seen how events, such as Walk & Roll to School Day or Bike & Roll to School Day, can bring elected officials and community members together to commit to addressing urgent safety needs or simply to reinforce the value of choosing to walk or ride. At the National Center, we coordinate Walk & Roll to School Day and Bike & Roll to School Day in the U.S. to help communities create the momentum needed for lasting change.

The Vision Zero for Youth initiative encourages communities and their elected officials to focus safety improvements and efforts to slow traffic speeds where children and youth travel. Find out more about Vision Zero for Youth and read about cities the National Center has recognized for taking bold action to make streets safer for its young people.

Safe Routes to School programs aim to make it safer for students to walk and bike to school and encourage more walking and biking where safety is not a barrier. Community members; public health, planning and transportation professionals; and school communities all have roles to play to change norms in how we move around our communities and make it appealing and safe for students to walk, bike or roll to school. Underserved communities traditionally lacking in transportation investments deserve priority as they do not have access to safe, comfortable roads for walking, biking, or rolling. They are also overrepresented in pedestrian and bicyclist injuries.

As part of support for the Federal SRTS Program, the National Center developed a menu of online and in-person training and technical assistance options with the purposes of building consensus, identifying issues and solutions, supporting equity and prioritizing needs. The National Center trained more than 262 instructors who taught the SRTS National Course across the country with the goal of bringing stakeholders together and providing quality information and tools to use to make decisions about the future of their communities. A peer exchange program enabled state leaders to connect with others with similar issues or solutions. A tool developed with the Institute of Transportation Engineers enabled communities to prioritize locations for safety infrastructure improvements. This tool was updated to use systemic safety analysis.

Safe Communities of Madison and Dane County is an award-winning nonprofit coalition of over 350 organizations working together to save lives, prevent injury and make our community safer.Our funding comes from federal, local and foundation grants, project sponsorship, sustaining memberships and individual donors.

For each of these campaigns, the Safe Community Coalition raises funds, provides planning and logistical support, and coordinates media and public education efforts. If we can help support your activities to address these traffic safety issues, please let us know!

A safe (also called a strongbox or coffer) is a secure lockable box used for securing valuable objects against theft or fire. A safe is usually a hollow cuboid or cylinder, with one face being removable or hinged to form a door. The body and door may be cast from metal (such as steel) or formed out of plastic through blow molding. Bank teller safes typically are secured to the counter, have a slit opening for dropping valuables into the safe without opening it, and a time-delay combination lock to foil thieves. One significant distinction between types of safes is whether the safe is secured to a wall or structure or if it can be moved around. A less secure version (only suitable for petty cash) is usually called a cash-box. 041b061a72


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